Updated November 20, 2020

Vantage West Realty Covid-19 Safety Plan

Access to our office located at 100-1060 Manhattan Drive, Kelowna BC is still restricted as British Columbia businesses work toward a very cautious return to Safe Operation – Phase 2.  As such our Safety Plan is outlined below and it will be strictly adhered to. 

  • There is a notice posted on our entrance door advising the limit of 8 people to be in the office at any given time.  Our Receptionist will be monitoring the number of people in the office before any access is granted to individuals coming through the door. 

  • Real Estate Professionals should continue to correspond with clients through e-mail, telephone, and  video/teleconference such as Zoom or Skype. DocuSign should be used for all signatures required. 

  • Office visits are viewed as “ a last resort” ONLY,  Clients are encouraged to call their Agent for an appointment prior to arriving at the office. The Boardroom will be booked by the Agent and safe distancing, sanitizing procedures and placement of chairs to accommodate social distancing will be put into place prior to arrival.

  • The people who are working inside the office on a regular basis should be administration only, with an occasional Agent dropping in only long enough to retrieve paperwork or other items needed.  All people in the office are strictly limited to the 2-meter separation.  This means that one person to an office cubicle and at least a two-meter separation in the boardroom and bullpen.

  • Facemasks are mandatory in all common areas of the office.  Facemasks and protective gloves will be made available (as supplies permit) to staff and clients while in the office if they require them.  

  • The current sanitizing process within the office is a full sweep of the office surfaces, kitchen area, door handles, filing cabinet handles, telephones, photocopier, stand up files, light switches,  every two to three hours during regular office hours, or more often if required.

  • There are sanitizing supplies set out in various stations within the office.

  • There will be no loitering in groups while in the office and strict maintenance of the 2-meter rule will be enforced.

  • As per our original mandate all Agents and Staff are asked to work from home as much as possible and carefully limit their visits to the office. If you must enter the office, be sure to wear a mask,  sanitize your hands and all handheld items as soon as you enter the building.

  • Our process of holding Virtual meetings, viewings and Open Houses is still strictly enforced.  Any physical showings that must take place will be done with the 2 meter safe distancing rules in place. Our protocols for sanitizing surfaces while in the home remain in effect.  The client checklist which askes them whether they are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 must be completed by the clients prior to arriving at the property,  and should they respond saying they are displaying symptoms, of course the viewing would be immediately cancelled. We must refrain from showing multiple properties in the same day as this helps minimize cross-contamination.

  • If viewing buildings such as strata properties you should meet the clients outside the complex. When touring pools, gyms etc., try to make the appointment with the Strata management to prevent physical contact with residents. 

  • Do not drive clients in your vehicle.  Have them use their vehicle separately from yours.

  • Get permission from your clients and consumers so that you can document names of people viewing the property in case there should be a Covid-19 outbreak.

  • Request that the occupants are not present for viewings. This applies to pets as well. 

  • Make sure you disinfect lockboxes and keys every time they are used.

  • Avoid sharing pens and touching documents.

  • Officials are asking everyone not to travel outside their communities for non-essential reasons and asking people from other provinces to postpone their trips here.

Home Inspection Protocols

  • All parties involved in the inspection process should be informed of COVID-19 guidelines.  Conduct a pre-screening assessment to determine the level of risk i.e.: occupants who may have travelled recently, are experiencing symptoms or contacted someone exposed to COVID-19. If there are concerns the inspection should be postponed.

  • Prior to the inspection request occupants provide clear and unobstructed access to the windows, heating equipment, water heater, electrical panel, and attic.

  • Following the inspection advise occupants to do a thorough sanitization of the home where the inspection would have taken place, such as key and lockbox, light switches, door hardware etc.  The Inspector should collet used wipes, gloves and any other disposable items used during the inspection and dispose of them safely when leaving.

In Conclusion:

  • Anyone experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, including fever, cough, sore throat, sneezing should not enter any place of business nor should they enter any properties for viewing.  If there are any symptoms present we encourage everyone to please stay home.

  • The safety of our Staff and Clients is our priority not only now but going forward for the long term.  Management is available at any time to readily supply answers for any questions or concerns.  We are dedicated to instilling a sense of safety and wellbeing within our establishment.

Brenda Maxwell

Managing Broker

Vantage West Realty Inc.

This Message is posted within the office as well as on our Websites