Here’s what to know about the most popular and effective ways to come up with a down payment on your first home—or your dream home.

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Many folks have a misguided notion of what’s required of them for a down payment, so I’m going to share some options that exist for homebuyers.

The high ratio program does not change the requirement of down payment over 500 entirely, the down payment is stepped. Ie: 5% on the first 500k and 10% on the remainder.

Another option is the government's homebuyer plan, which allows you to tap into any Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributions you’ve made over the years—up to $35,000 tax-free. You’d then have the next 15 years to put that money…

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I’m discussing why selling your home in the winter can be a great idea, and waiting for the spring market may not be in your best interest.

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Many people think that the real estate market is dead in the wintertime. The spring and summer months are notoriously busier so people naturally think those are better times to sell their homes. In reality, that's a misconception about how the market truly works.

It has been statistically shown that some properties will sell for a higher price per square foot in January and February. There’s a definitive reason for that: The people who are shopping for homes during the winter are very motivated. These are people who need to move here, they have a…

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I'm sharing what I think the real estate market will do in 2020.

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Here we are at the start of a new decade, 2020! Today I’m going to share some market intel, and then make some market predictions for this new year. In my opinion, this year’s market looks reasonably good.

Cited below for your convenience are timestamps that will direct you to various points in the video. Feel free to watch the full message or use these timestamps to browse specific topics at your leisure:

0:00: Introduction to today’s topic

0:30: Comparing 2018 and 2019 total sales

1:05: 2019 inventory

1:50: The Rein growth arrow

2:55: What the headlines have been saying about the market

3:40: My eight…

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