Multiple offers don’t just happen by chance, there is actually a science behind vastly improving your odds of getting a bidding war on your property. If you watched my last video on what to do in advance of listing you know that an appraisal, a pre-inspection and a staging consultant should be brought in before the marketing starts.  Now there’s the MLS launch date and that’s where things start for most agencies marketing plan, at Vantage we believe that the 7 days leading up to the listing launch are the most important. There are a number of ways that we can start creating awareness and excitement for the listing using coming soon sign toppers, social media blasts, networking within the team and exposure to a large database of buyers and select agents.…

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 Let AJ fill you in on the top 3 things you can do to prepare your home for sale for the most money and quickest sale.

Host: A.J. Hazzi of Vantage West. We promised to give three tips on how to get more value in selling your home. So what are they?

A.J.: Sure. Well, what you want to do is get way ahead of it. About five to six weeks before you're gonna sell your home, have somebody come over, an agent that specializes in maybe flipping homes, something like that, to give you some consultation on what you can do before you list the property to get it in tip-top shape. Five to ten grand before taking the home to market will usually result in anywhere from 10 to 30,000 more in the sale price by spending the money in the right spots.

Host: So…

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We believe that the role of a real estate professional is so much beyond being a salesperson. Sadly the public perception of a real estate agent is that of a pushy salesperson that is out for their own best interests. We believe that the role a realtor plays in their clients lives during a real estate transaction is every bit as important as their Lawyer their accountant and even their financial planner. It's time the real estate industry owned this responsibility. At Vantage, we offer a consultative service that is far removed from selling you a house. We educate you on the market, share insight from our own experiences investing in our personal portfolios and leverage the collective knowledge of a team with thousands of transactions under their belt.…

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When buying a home you have a couple options for how you can go about working with Realtors. But there’s a big difference between the services offered.

One option is to call the listing agent, that’s the name you see on the for sale sign. Now this agent is able to answer your questions on the property, arrange a viewing for you and tour you through the property. That’s where it stops, so what do you miss out on going at it this way? Number 1 - Undivided loyalty, A buyer’s agent working exclusively for you does not have their loyalty divided between his existing listing client and yours, he works for you and you alone. They will prepare and structure an offer in your best interest, negotiating the price, terms, dates and inclusions that suit and protect…

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The market it is hot again and just as we saw membership in our profession balloon from 2004 till 2008, we are seeing it again with no slow down in sight. Personally I welcome this new breed of professionals into the industry. It is the new blood that innovates, pushes the industry further and prevents stagnation. As an old battle worn ninja, yet still young enough to relate to the new class of white belts coming entering the business with zero clue what to expect. I give you the class of 2017 these pearls of wisdom all learned the hard way at the world's most expensive yet least prestigious school of hard knocks.

1. Guard your reputation in the industry with your life.

It's not enough to just do right by your clientele. You need to make sure…

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