Kelowna Real Estate - Speculation vs Investing
Posted by AJ Hazzi on
Like clock work, every time the market cycle heats up, the opportunist in us comes out to play.
The slow-and-steady-wins-the-race mentality gets abandoned as people chase the sexier, faster buck.
Great people with admirable intentions to do right by their families look to “invest” some of the freshly minted equity in their home into something that has the potential to pay off big.
The right idea, but lately the conversation has begun to shift from solid, yet agreeably less sexy investments like single-family homes with suites, and duplexes, to this idea of “buying” three units in the latest pre sales condo development.
The thinking is: I could spread out my $150,000 by putting deposits on three units and then in a year or two, when the…
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